The transition to net zero is a challenge that everyone’s facing – and it’s only getting more complicated. Regulations are constantly evolving, and understanding which targets you need to meet is difficult without support. Plus, multiple stakeholders need to be consulted to collate data, create an effective plan, and monitor progress.
At Royal HaskoningDHV, we help you meet applicable regulations, identify potential opportunities such as funding access to support your decarbonisation journey, and develop an effective plan to engage stakeholders along the way.
Our extensive experience of port operations and technology means we can help you understand what emissions you need to record and report, and then support you to build a carbon emissions inventory. We then use this baseline emissions data to identify the best options to deliver improvements and emissions reductions.
While decarbonisation is a challenge you have to solve, it’s also a huge opportunity for ports. We use our experience conducting alternative fuels studies and implementing renewable and energy efficient power solutions to help you reduce emissions and capitalise on the renewable energy market.
We bring all this together into a roadmap of time-bound interventions, outlining actions that need to happen, and when, in a digestible format. Our financial and economic experts are also on hand to build robust business cases to support investment in decarbonisation.
We can support you at any stage along this journey, whether you’re looking to develop or refresh your emissions inventory or identify new initiatives to reduce emissions from specific sources. We’re ready to guide you and your stakeholders through the process and evaluate the best solutions for your site.
Take a holistic approach to sustainability
Decarbonisation is just one part of becoming a greener port. You can use our quick scan green port assessment tool to see where you stand across decarbonisation, energy efficiency, pollution, water and waste, and climate resilience.